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Separate Contractors from Normal Visitors in TimeTec VMS
FingerTec News | 05/02/2021
Previously, TimeTec VMS has one standard form for every visitor. The system treats everybody as visitors and requires them to provide the system with the same information. However, the market feedback that some companies need to collect extra information from contractors that includes proper documentation such as company name, work scope, permit no. and more.
In the latest TimeTec VMS, Contractor Details feature has been made available to attend to contractors as visitors to premises.
This feature can be made active from the contractor details settings page, where the admin can define a different set of questions to cater to the contractors. They can also access the work scope settings and predefine the work scope to ease the front desk.
The details for all the authorised contractors will be grouped into a separated tab for contractors, allowing admin to better manage and monitor the people flow and produce printable reports when required.
This Contractor feature in TimeTec VMS is suitable for companies with a large number of contractors visiting premises daily.