1. Where is the storage of all the transactions kept?
The transaction data or activity logs of QF Master App saved in the cloud server.
2. What kind of local data stored in QF Master App?
The QF Master stores individual face templates, access records and access permissions inside its local memory. During operation, a QF Master recognises users based on the face templates stored in the local memory to determine access permission. The QF Master connects to the cloud server from time to time to update user listings and access permission. At the same time, the QF Master stores individual user's access records and sends them to the cloud server intermittently.
3. How easy is it to register a face template registration? Where are those templates stored? Are they safe? Can they be manipulated for other purposes?
The face template registration is a breeze, can be completed in less than a minute for one person. There is no image taken of your face. However, several points from your face strategically tabulated and calculated using a proprietary algorithm and stored in each device for use during verification. The templates are safe and not susceptible to reverse engineering; hence, they cannot apply for other purposes.
4. How many face templates can we store in one smartphone or a QF Plus ?
5. 如果將智能手機與FingerTec生物識別終端進行比較,面部識別性能如何?
6. 使用QF Master比標準終端安全嗎?為什麼?
是。 QF Master App始終與雲應用程序配對。例如,對於訪問控制解決方案,TimeTec Access是更安全的選擇。當您可以實時訪問和查看發生的情況並立即獲得有關安全問題的通知時,糾正過程可以立即進行。數據的集中化和實時監控還將安全性提高到另一個層次。
7. 使用QF Master的其他好處是什麼?
1.當QF Master智能手機閒置時,可以將其設置為播放您的商業廣告。
8. 我可以鎖定該應用程序,以便壁掛式智能手機不會被任何隨機的陌生人弄亂嗎?
9. 我們正在使用Android智能手機來運行QF Master,以獲取出勤和訪問記錄。如果有人更改智能手機中的日期和時間怎麼辦?